Thursday, August 14, 2008

Going Bananas!

I cannot tell a lie; I am bananas for monkeys.

For the first time, my better half and I visited the Shanghai Zoo last month and he had to drag me away from the Gorilla family with their newborn (who was the perfect model for the retro Mon Chi Chi doll) as well as a lonely Chimp on the other side of the park who had me when we touched fingers through the glass. Even the baboon who kept blowing kisses at me before turning around to show me his bare butt, kept me amused for much longer than the other visitors. I am obsessed.
This zoo excursion was purely artistic research;)
Now, I am lying.

They say you can learn a lot about an artist by analyzing their work, but mine pretty much spells it out for you; monkeys. They possess amazingly human-like qualities , are hilariously funny and make me feel closer to my sister when I get homesick! (It's ok, she never reads this blog!) When I have a freebie project that is headed to a baby shop showroom, or want to plan a gift for friends...the monkeys win every time. Soon I may have to change my name from Sweet Pea to Mon Chi Chi.

Our future children will have their rooms covered in baby monkeys to fulfill their mothers obsession and ducklings to appease their dad. Lucky chocolate and yellow is a smashing combination.

Here in Shanghai I am preparing a few projects for a baby clothing store (My Second Hand), but those are projects underway so I must keep details under wraps until official unveiling. These chocolate monkeys pictured on lime background are for a friend from China who I had the pleasure of working with in 2005. Now I will have the pleasure of meeting little Howie (and promise to publish his picture if I get granted permission;)

Wishing Naomi and her family all the love, kindness and talent she has shared with us.

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