Although she resides in France with her parents and big brother Matthieu, we send our love and best wishes via Sweet Pea scroll.
Her mommy happens to be one of my dearest friends and Gloria has yet to discover what she has in store; daily lullabies from an incredibly gifted songstress!
While I could break glass with my pitch (a talent passed down from my own mother;), I will stick to painting and use her carousel pony scroll as a tribute to her mothers lullaby.
Adorned with pink rosebuds and ribbons, the white pony stands tall against a baby blue sky. High on a hill, the last few lines of the lullaby are written in turquoise script; "the blue and the bay, dapple and grey, all the pretty little horses." The bottom edge of the scroll is scalloped to break up the solid colour scheme of baby blue and sage green while curled satin ribbons of pink and lilac hang down from the finial ends.
Miles and oceans definitely make it difficult to be there to share some of these early moments of someones life, but the further you go, the more you realize how small the world really is. We are certainly there in heart.
Sending love, health and happiness to a dear friend and her growing family.