Monday, May 12, 2008

B is for Baby

Nearly a year ago, I was lucky enough to be part of a chic nursery in-the-making as little E's family prepared for her arrival. With the furniture on order and walls painted a soft sage, I added a creamy white bow with ribbon tails that centered over the crib (that was coming) and onto the connecting walls. This year, when I returned, the nursery was complete right down to the gorgeous details..and most importantly a smiley baby girl!

To keep with the colour palette and feminine accents, this year little E's mom opted for 6 12x12" canvas with alternating shades of cream, pink and sage. Each canvas represents a different letter of baby's name with a flowing ribbon font. Puffy daisies and rounded baby butterflies are scattered around the letters. Maintaining a simple palette (in this case, three colours plus a creamy cocoa for the butterfly bodies), round and graceful images emphasize the delicate nature of the baby girls room.
Stay tuned for glimpses of the chic nursery all complete.

Wishing Baby E and family all the best as they make their move into their new nest;)

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