Thursday, September 17, 2015

Mountain Mural Cubby

I really need to paint more.
It's like an addiction. If I don't get a good fix, I haphazardly start throwing a brush around when there is a two minute time span in the day...and largely regretting the results.

I loved this Ron Swanson project and was wondering a good place to paint it .
It looks amazing in this boy's nursery
Our cute play kitchen cubby (as sweet as it is) was making me cringe with it's colours that clash with the adjacent room.
So much brightness with Swedish green and Angel Fern!
With this mountain mural, I could entertain the idea of bringing in some of the hunter green I love in other rooms of the house, and subdue the brightness a bit with a chalkboard background.

So I went to work one afternoon, mapping out the mountains with painters tape.
The painting itself was easy. Applying the painters tape was not.

But once I roughed in all the area's, fine detail could be applied to the edges to give the mountains their sharp peaks.