Monday, May 21, 2012


Oooh! How I've missed you!

It has been SO long since I have sat down to paint, I started hanging unfinished pieces up on the wall because I could not handle the stress of seeing a pile of half-complete canvas stacked in the closet! Painting is my passion, but something else trumps all; Olivia. Painting is now reserved for the days that Daddy is primed for pillow fort productions which keeps Olivia in a state of bliss for at least an entire half hour!

This weekend the living room was transformed into fortville, while I got my hands a dirty with bits and pieces left on said unfinished works, as well as start (and complete) Miss Owl above. She was painted with a sweet toddler in mind who's mommy happens to be a fan of pink and yellow. Sadly, they are leaving town in the weeks to come. Both Olivia and I will miss them and their good company dearly, but wish them happy trails on their new journey!